/ˈpərpəs/ noun
the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
/ˈpərpəs/ verb - formal
have as one's intention or objective.

"Leadership and learning
are indispensable to each other"
John F. Kennedy
Learning isn't just about skills or knowledge. It's also about insight into our unique leadership abilities. I advocate for rising leaders to become the partners who use that insight to work strategically with their business and customers, even when it feels difficult to do so.
I believe that we truly serve others when they know that they can come to the us, not to solve problems for them or push them to be accountable, but instead to be the leader that helps them step into their full capability, so that they are inspired to innovate and solve their own problems. When we do this, we become strategic purpose provokers, guiding teams to unite their purpose and path.
Understanding how you, and those around you view the landscape can help you increase both your leadership abilities and your overall engagement and excitement in your work and life. Further understanding how to level up your leadership capabilities with critical insights into your strengths and preferences create opportunities to lead with greater clarity and confidence.
By raising energy and engagement, while stepping into leadership capability and team purpose, you have an opportunity to improve the quality and depth of communication, increase productivity, improve satisfaction in work-life balance and increase emotional intelligence. Most importantly, you’ll begin to lead your clients to innovative outcomes.
​I have worked with individuals and teams, from the U.S. to the U.K., to help them understand how their approach defines their outcomes. I can help you and you teams identify where to focus your energy and guide you to harness that energy for strategic partner-based leadership at all levels.
“Her mentoring and coaching skills are beyond what I’ve seen in the past. She created our leadership development program and mentored PM’s through 3 promotions to the next level. The skillset of these PM’s was noticed by the company and they were recruited for our most impactful initiatives.”
-Kate B, Director EPMO, Chicago, IL
My group and corporate programs are customized to help your team become strategic leaders by:

Helping each leader understand how they are showing up with their customers and their peers. Through a focused 360 assessment and coaching, the team and each individual will gain awareness that will allow greater choice.
Workshop content that will guide team members apply this awareness to grow specific qualities including enhanced communication, emotional intelligence, relationship building, time management and more.
Creating the paths to strong team identity by aligning team values to company and client values. This will help each leader emerge as stronger for their teams by creating connection for the good of the business and accelerated career growth.
Sharing tools and best practices to assist in team and individual performance while allowing participants to explore with each other what they have learned through their journeys.
Contact me to discuss your teams opportunities! I customize any of my services to meet your team and organization needs.