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Unlocking Leadership Superpowers: Elevate First, Lead Second

Photo Credit: Upsplash, Kira auf der Heide
Photo Credit: Upsplash, Kira auf der Heide

One thing I know for certain is that leadership expertise isn't measured in years, skills or certifications—it's an ongoing journey. True growth comes not just from learning, but from practical application and maintaining an open mind. This year, I'm embracing an open mind—an experiment to view my work and world through a fresh lens. I share this view because it may resonate with you.

Steven Covey describes this as “begin with the end in mind”. It’s one of his habit principles related to seeing what we believe.  We see with our mind before we see in our physical world.  I often applied this same principle when taking processes through the Lean DMAIC approach.  As you see the current state process you can begin to identify what could be so much better.  I can use these same ideas to create a higher perspective.  I’ve known about this higher perspective for years, and I often use it in specific instances.  I wondered if this year, I could change my view significantly by starting with this perspective.

Photo Credit: Upsplash, Marcus Spiske
Photo Credit: Upsplash, Marcus Spiske

As human beings we often feel the gap of what we don’t know.  Energetically this is the space of having to figure it out and if we let it, it can feel really hard.  We look at the brick wall of a problem and decide what it is…. hard to overcome, lacking, unknown, the possibility for failure, having to ask for help… again – feeling heavy, weighted and well, no fun. As humans we tend to share that mindset. It’s the easy way to view things because we’ve protected ourselves by seeing things that way, and we all do it. But what if we didn’t have to?   

I’ve found myself asking, what would a higher perspective look like to begin with?  I certainly have goals in front of me that will require effort and time to figure out.  But I’m going to look at it and believe in what the important people in my life, and my faith have told me all along.  Here’s what that higher perspective might look like. 

  • I can approach anything with an open-hearted intention that the outcome will serve me and other people.  And if it doesn’t, I can choose differently.  The decision is mine.  I will stay open to the possibility.  If I see something as hard or frustrating, or have a fear of being wrong, this will be my queue to spend time imagining with an open heart, full of love for an outcome that is full of possibility.  Then I’ll see what looks different from that perspective. 

Here's a simple example. I woke up New Years Day with the flu. When I got up January 2nd, I still didn’t feel great.  I would typically ruminate on all the things I wasn’t getting done.  Instead, I asked myself what I needed.  Rest.  So, I rested knowing I would get the important things done first, once I felt better.

  • With a higher perspective, I will draw the people to me who are aligned with my vision.  If there are those in my circle that aren’t aligned, I don’t need to convince them, for me to be successful.  I can find ways to continue forward.  It’s okay.  They have their path to follow.  I have mine.  It doesn't mean that I respect them, like them or even love them any less.  It just means that I see where they are. I know where I am, and I’ll look for new ways to collaborate with them and others.  

If you’re interested in further reading this idea, get Mel Robbins’ book Let Them about her theory and its applications. I just started reading it and it’s a great way to facilitate this idea.

  • I have, if I don’t already have, everything I need in terms of resources to accomplish my goals.  It’s all available to me and I stay open to the possibility that allows it to flow to me.  Through other people, opportunities, relationships…. Whatever may bring it. Using my open-hearted approach, I will ask for help and accept what’s offered.  I will look for opportunities in what normally feels difficult, to be open.

If this sounds hokey, look for the evidence of it in your own world.  When was a time that you didn’t have what you needed to get to the next step, or that an opportunity didn’t present itself?  If you look for the gift, you’ll find it.  Trust the evidence of past gifts in your future.

  • No matter what I see in front of me, I am enough, and so are you.  If the feedback from others indicates that I need to change something, I’ll take it in and consider how it will serve me and others.  (See number one.)  I will stay open and open hearted to it.  It’s not personal, it’s possibility.

This is about discernment, for me and for others.  Not judgement.  There’s enough of that going around.  If it’s emotional, then that’s another queue to step away to allow the time to see it in a way that serves.

  • I don’t have to have all the answers.  Nor do I have to be the smartest person in the room.  I just need to show up, be open and act. I do this with full trust in myself and everyone else.  We all know what we need to know.  It’s just a matter of allowing time to figure it out. I do this by asking myself these key questions…

    • What do I accept? (About me, the situation or someone else?)

    • What do I believe? (Positive point of view required!)

    • What’s next? (The smallest step is fine, but move forward)

Photo credit: Upsplash, Chris Curry
Photo credit: Upsplash, Chris Curry

I don’t set specific goals each year.  I establish a vision.  This year’s vision is to use my voice to engage leaders in connecting their heart and their minds to become their best most impactful selves right now.  This will happen because I am speaking on a new stage, or sharing on a podcast, making learning available or coaching one on one.  I can see and feel the vision coming to life, and I’ve got some things to figure out to begin with that end in mind.  I will put shorter term goals around it and begin to act based on my higher perspective.  I can’t wait to see what happens! 

If you’re interested in learning what a higher perspective could uniquely look like for you, join my next workshop to Cultivate your Leadership Rise.  We each have unique gifts and perspectives to bring, and they are necessary to cultivate the journey we most want.  In this complimentary workshop you can explore what might be yours.  Click above to see the next available workshop. They’re virtual, so you can attend from anywhere.  Wishing you a joy filled year full of opportunity in 2025!


1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 09

Great article!

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